"A Dev Pinhead Without A Pet Project..."

29 March 2021

You rang? Greetings, and welcome! This is just a quick introduction to a new project that I’ve got up on GitHub and a handful of other projects that I’ve forked in support of it. First off, the main project is called Unreal-Visual-Pinball and it’s a plugin that works as an...

Inkscape - An Improved Look & Feel

18 February 2021

I recently had to modify a beer label design. I started from a default install of Inkscape on a new machine. I opened the application and I was like, “omg… I forgot how horrible this interface feels.” Here’s some quick notes on some simple changes that will make Inkscape look...

CUDA 10.2, VS2019, And CMake

04 January 2021

So, you’ve got the CUDA Toolkit installed (11.2). You’ve got the samples building in MsDev. You’ve made it, it’s time to start your own project! You stare at MsDev and realize, “I don’t know how to create a Dev Studio project that has all the CUDA specific project and build...